Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation


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5 Ways to Improve Citizen Experiences in the Public Sector
Is your citizen portal meeting current citizen needs? See how can you do so with a citizen portal built on Liferay.
5 Min Read
September 4, 2024
7 Reasons Why Our Customers Choose Liferay DXP
Discover why 1,200 businesses around the world rely on our platform.
4 Min Read
July 2, 2024
A Smooth Transition: Migrating from HCL DX to Liferay DXP
Make your migration easier with Asponte Technology.
2 Min Read
June 19, 2024
Why Migrating to Liferay DXP from HCL DX Makes Sense For Your Business
2 Min Read
May 14, 2024
Can Insurers Overcome Current Challenges with These Industry Trends?
Discover the difficulties and possibilities you may encounter as an insurer.
2 Min Read
March 1, 2024
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Maximizing Employee Value at Škoda Auto
The Škoda Employee Portal serves more than 40,000 people with the aim of providing maximum value to its customers.
4 Min Read
February 14, 2024

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8 Digital Experience Platform Trends to Watch in 2024
Discover the DXP trends that will shape this year and beyond.
2 Min Read
February 12, 2024
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11 Building Blocks for a High-Performing Supplier Portal
Learn how a supplier portal with the right building blocks can take your business to the next level — plus, how to choose one that fits your needs.
5 Min Read
January 9, 2024
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Rethinking Content Management Systems: How Generative AI and LLMs Are Leading the Way
How can you prepare for the new landscape of Generative AI and LLMs?
4 Min Read
November 21, 2023
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38 Key Statistics Driving the Transformation of Citizen Experiences in the Public Sector
Understanding the digital evolution of the public sector for the near future in 38 stats
5 Min Read
May 11, 2023
8 Best Practices for Insurance Digital Transformation Maturity in 2023 and Beyond
3 Min Read
March 20, 2023
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10 Keys to Building the Public Sector Technology Journey
Find out what are the key elements to take into account when Architecting Public Sector Technology Transformation
7 Min Read
March 1, 2023

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