Our Mission

By building a vibrant business, making technology useful, and investing in communities, we make it possible for people to reach their full potential to serve others.

Where we began

We started as a group of young, nerdy entrepreneurs hoping to build a for-profit tech company that could be a vehicle for good.

Liferay Inc. was formed by a few software engineers, a stay-at-home mom, and a to-be attorney surrounded by the mismatched, donated furniture in a local church. They had a simple goal: to create useful technology that benefited customers, partners, and employees, and to build an organization that helped others reach their full potential.

The dedication to this goal has taken us from hosting company meetings on church picnic tables to opening offices across the globe, from solely open-source to building a leading digital enterprise platform; and growing from pure technologists to business leaders dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. 
Years of experience
gartner mq leaders
What we do

We offer a suite of solutions geared toward solving highly complex digital challenges.

Partnering with integrators from across the globe, we have enabled thousands of companies from various industries, including manufacturing, financial services, and energy and utilities, to utilize the Liferay suite to create digital solutions, such as customer self-service portals, B2B commerce solutions, and modern intranets.
Who we are

We wouldn’t be the company we are without the diverse opinions, experiences, and backgrounds of our employees.

We believe that people are inherently valuable and believe a well-placed individual can make a measurable impact on the organization as a whole. We are truly grateful for the dedicated, skilled, and “nerdy” team we have. 
Who we serve

Without our customers, we wouldn’t exist.

And without their feedback, insight, and support, we couldn’t have created an award-winning platform. We are grateful for all of the organizations who have allowed us to be a part of their business’ growth.
what we believe

We use these five core principles to guide how we operate our business.   

Lead by Serving

Leadership is a calling to serve others and stay humble. Our people lead by example, regardless of position or title.

Value People

People are inherently valuable. Therefore, we respect people, invest in relationships, and celebrate one another.

Stay Nerdy

We enjoy the unique personalities that we have at Liferay. We encourage our people to share their interests, have fun, and be comfortable being themselves.

Grow & Get Better

It's not about being better than someone else, but being better than you were yesterday. We seek to learn and grow from every single experience.

Produce Excellence

We give our best efforts to get excellent results that stand in the market. But the process is also important: we won’t betray our values just to get the job done.
Liferay has given me an opportunity to grow personally, professionally, and be a part of a cause larger than just revenue and profit.
john ishihara
IS sr business analyst
Why we give
One of Liferay’s priorities is to serve communities around the world, and one way we do that is through financial support. The challenges we face are far bigger than any one organization can handle, so we love partnering with nonprofits in areas such as: 
  • Education and training in marketable skills
  • Access to necessities, including clothing, shelter, and food
  • Prevention of human trafficking
  • Support for orphans and underprivileged families
  • Disaster relief

Who We Are

We wouldn’t be the company we are without the diverse opinions, experiences, and backgrounds of our employees. We believe that people are inherently valuable and believe a well-placed individual can make a measurable impact on the organization as a whole. We are truly grateful for the dedicated, skilled, and “nerdy” team we have. 
our partner network
Liferay partners serve our worldwide client base with a variety of specialized services, including expertise in digital experience platforms and B2B commerce. Our network of over 250 partners are known for their solution delivery methodology, technical acumen in Liferay and other technologies, and deep knowledge of specific vertical markets.
our open-source community
Liferay’s business would not exist without the power of our open source community. Thanks to the passion and dedication of our community members, Liferay has been adopted in companies and countries we couldn’t possibly reach on our own. Check out the latest our community is up to and join us in the journey! 

Where You’ll Find Us

We try to empower businesses to reach their full potential through technology. How can we help you?

1400 Montefino Avenue
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Built on Liferay Digital Experience Platform