Create content for any digital experience faster

Enable business users to quickly create, publish, and manage content, pages, and multimedia across different channels.

Content Creation

Create Content Faster

Expedite content creation with native tools that allow users to create and update content without using any code.

Content Templates

Enable users with web content templates to standardize and accelerate the creation of web pages, blog posts, wiki articles, and multimedia.

AI-Powered Content

Leverage AI-powered content creation with integration to tools like ChatGPT to assist in creating content. Content creators can get suggestions by defining word count, adding the tone they want, and providing a short description.

Process Automation

Use AI/ML-powered capabilities to automate processes like translating, tagging, and more.


Streamline and Standardize Publishing

Don’t let content get stuck waiting for approvals.

Publishing Workflows

Define and automate publishing and approval workflows using a no-code workflow designer.

Access Control

Ensure only authorized users have access to create, share, and edit content with Liferay's powerful user identity and management features.

Bulk Publishing

Bulk publish sets of pages and edit and track changes across those pages.


Deliver Content to Every Channel

Easily display your content to any channel.

Multi-channel Content

Use a complete set of headless APIs to display content for any device, channel, or browser.

Content Grouping

Dynamically group related content together to easily create deep and engaging experiences that automatically display new content groups on relevant channels as they’re published.


Know How Your Content is Performing

Track and monitor the results of your content efforts to drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

Content Performance

Use Liferay's Content Dashboard to easily identify where content is being leveraged across sites and see how it's performing with regards to views, reads, and traffic.

Campaign Guidance

See what keywords and topics users are interested in on our Analytics Dashboard to guide new content and campaigns.

Content Auditing

Run audits using the Content Audit Tool to determine the effectiveness of content, identify gaps, and find outdated materials.

A/B Testing

Perform A/B tests to evaluate variations of copy and page layouts. Control how much traffic gets directed to each variation to see which gets more users to click.

Experience Liferay's CMS in Action

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KBC Bank Ireland went live in just four months with their award-winning website hosted on Liferay Experience Cloud Self-Managed.

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Improved Internal Comms

Learn how the City of Vienna improved communications for over 25,000 employees.

1400 Montefino Avenue
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Built on Liferay Digital Experience Platform