Display Insurance Solutions for Agents, Employees, and Policyholders

Building a value chain of customer-centered innovation for the modern insurer 

Digital Insurance Solutions Necessary for Success

Self-Service Customer Portal

Build personalized, connected, omnichannel digital experiences that make it easy for customers to manage and renew policies and review benefits on their own. 

Agent Portal

Enable agents, brokers, and partners to share and collect data to deliver personalized quotes and increased operational efficiency through a consolidated location.

Digital Workplace

Create a unified intranet that enables agents, underwriters, adjusters, and brokers to collaborate, share information easily, and work more efficiently. 

Integration Platform

Connect legacy systems, new technologies, and data sources together to ensure optimal performance, eliminate paper processes, and prepare for continuous transformation.

"Liferay allowed us to roll out a modern, mobile-responsive portal for our personal and business policyholders. This is the first time we have been able to provide this information directly to policyholders, reducing costs, and calls to our support staff for information now provided online."

Ken Hunt

IT Director Digital Experience Infrastructure, Technology

Put Customers, Agents, and Employees at the Center of the Experience 

Insurers gain a competitive advantage with solutions that place customers, agents, and employees at the center of the experience. They depend on Liferay’s solutions and expertise to accelerate the creation of these end-to-end digital solutions.

Serve the Digital Customer

Quickly create the streamlined and connected experiences modern policyholders want with Liferay. Expedite the creation and customization of an insured portal solution by leveraging pre-built capabilities and years of expertise with our Global Services team.

Deliver Omnichannel Experiences

Cut through the noise with engaging end-to-end digital experiences for both agents and policyholders. Easily connect every interaction across the entire user journey with multichannel support and headless capabilities.

Integrate Legacy Systems

Overcome integration difficulties with a platform unparalleled for its interoperability and flexibility. Use Liferay to unite existing core insurance systems and technology to work alongside emerging InsurTech and future innovation.

Empower Employees

Give employees the tools needed to serve customers effectively. Digital workplaces built on Liferay DXP enable teams to collaborate and perform their jobs effectively, increasing employee engagement, and satisfaction.

Remain Competitive

Stay ahead of changing risks and an evolving market with a flexible platform built to adapt for change. OpenAPI compliance and a wide range of development tools help accelerate future innovations and changing business models.

Equip Agents for Success

Deliver intuitive experiences that increase agent productivity and satisfaction. Jumpstart the creation of an agent portal solution by leveraging Liferay’s Agent Portal Service Provider Package, then further tailor according to your needs with our Global Services team’s years of expertise.

Used by More Than 1,200 Innovative Customers Worldwide

Ready to Solve Complex Challenges
with Tailored Solutions?

Learn more about how Liferay can help you


Five Ways Liferay DXP Enables Success

Learn how five insurance providers leveraged Liferay DXP to build successful solutions such as intranets, partner portals, and customer portals.


Becoming an Insurance Innovator with Liferay DXP 

Ensure your organization remains competitive and profitable through the digital age by using a flexible digital experience platform.


the Insurance Industry

Discover how to improve business productivity and enrich user experiences for your customers, agents, partners, and employees.

1400 Montefino Avenue
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Built on Liferay Digital Experience Platform
© 2023 Liferay Inc. All Rights Reserved